Get Intouch

We have been steadfast in creating a legacy of entrepreneurship that goes beyond profitability to embrace a profound sense of purpose.

Our Expertise

We tailor-make/co-create solutions that are specific to your needs.

  • Corporate Governance Services

    Company Secretarial Services, Board Evaluations, Board Training,Board Placements, Board Policy Development, Corporate Governance Reviews

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  • Corporate Philanthropic Services

    Corporate Social Investment Partnerships, Social Impact Conceptualisation and Resource Mobilisation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Corporate

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  • Corporate Citizenry Services

    Enterprise and Supplier Development, Rural and Township Entrepreneurial Development, Stakeholder and Community Engagement, Social Impact Audits

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  • Corporate Integration Services

    Millennial Workplace Experience, Intercultural Management, Minority Rights in the Workplace, Human Capital Performance Optimisation, Business

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Our Reports

Highlights some of our proudest moments and the steps we have taken towards making an impact.

  • Ligula tristique quis risus

    Entreprenurs and Election Report

    The Road to 2024: Entrepreneurship and Elections was curated in partnership with Workshop17 to hold a voluntary space for entrepreneurs to engage on the 2024 elections manifestos with the various contesting political parties.

    • Impact
  • Nullam id dolor elit id nibh

    SOE Report

    The commercialisation of State Owned Enterprises to strategically become profitable has been rooted in the Constitutional mandate for government to enable the enjoyment of socio-economic rights such as education, sanitation, healthcare and social welfare for all, equally.

    • SOE
  • Ultricies fusce porta elit

    Impact Report

    This impact report highlights some of our proudest moments and the steps we have taken towards making an impact in our communities. We truly believe that every bit of change begins with the seemingly small individual steps that collectively culminate into the bigger picture, an impactful economy

    • Company